Paul Rose, Knowledge Manager, Employee Central        

“Get the right people. Then no matter what all else you might do wrong after that, the people will save you. That’s what management is all about.” – Tom DeMarco


The intricacy involved in implementing and rolling out a core HCM solution requires a set of critical stakeholders to be assimilated and committed to the project.

Skilled Implementation Partner

The key qualification of an HCM implementation partner is not size or breadth, but that firm’s pertinent experience with the HCM application of choice.  Customers need to carry out sufficient due diligence when deciding on a most suitable partner with strong application and HR process experience.  Implementation partners should have an array of impressive references and a strong track record of conducting successful, global projects.

Capable & Resilient Overall Customer Project Lead

At a holistic level, this stakeholder must have that determination and belief that the system should be designed with globalisation to the forefront of the company’s vision. He/she cannot get distracted by the whims of country HR representatives who would like to build stifling silos at a local or regional level that will offset any sophisticated reporting technology that the application could provide.

Skilled HRIS Data Expert (s)

Organisations in my experience continually underestimate the complexity and volume of data that needs to be transitioned from one or a number legacy system (s) to the new cloud application. These crucial resources can be close to full resource maximisation at designated times in the project- most likely when the configuration consultant has verified that the templates are stable for data migration to take place. It can be optimal to have 1.5-3 global HRIS lead analysts coordinating the piece of work during the implementation phase. The regional data leads can collate the data for their respective regions and it will depend on whether a formal data mapping tool is purchased or created to fit the legacy data to the new cloud organisational and employee data templates.

Experienced Cloud Project Manager

The project manager stakeholder will need to appreciate the variation between an on premise implementation and cloud implementation.  Cloud implementations will be more dynamic with more virtual meetings yet the core roles and responsibilities will remain quite comparable. The project manager will need to balance the demand for ambitious timelines with the importance of rigorously processing the design, build, test and deploy mantra that is inherent across most software implementaitons. 

Global Reporting and Analytics Team

The organisations that derive the most value from these innovative new solutions are those that assign a business team specifically on the reporting and analytics side of the business. These stakeholders must be engaged during each phase of the project implementation and encouraged to transmit reporting implications on the overall design of the product. This team must acknowledge that it is unlikely that any highly complex report that may have existed in the legacy system could replicate precisely in the new cloud solution. In all probability, the fundamental reporting and analytical capabilities should match company requirements if due diligence was conducted.

Change Agent

Organizations often neglect to assign a role to this critical piece of the transition to a new cloud application. This can potentially lead to a resistance to the new system and its interlocking HR processes which could jeopardise any significant return on investment in the short to medium term. Cloud HCM technology at its fabric has a strong emphasis on Employee and Manager Self-service so early, positive communication will increase the acceptance of change.  Certain groups of people within any company will fear the new system could affect their job security so these change agents need to carefully consider this association.

HR Process Lead

The technical build of the system should fit with the intended HR processes. This stakeholder must understand and be involved in design discussions to ensure that the implementation is consider with the end user in consideration. For example, there is little value in setting up extensive employee self-service capabilities for factory workers who may not have access to an electronic device during working hours.


It is only when these critical stakeholders are leveraged effectively and efficiently that an organisation will be able to realise the true potential of this new breadth of captivating HR technology.